16 May 2014

Design Your Own Music Magazine

INTRODUCTION In groups of three you are going to work on the project. Remember you must include vocabulary related to music. To create our magazine you will use the tool Glossi. Log in through Facebook with the email account and password I gave you. Picture by Stux. Your magazine is going to be divided into five different sections: 1. COVER PAGE 2. MUSIC QUESTIONNAIRE 3....

7 Apr 2014

An Extreme Map Project

Picture by Gerald We are going to create an extreme map of a country you choose. First of all, complete the following information: NAME OF THE COUNTRY Highest mountain Longest river Largest lake Biggest city Most important city Most interesting extreme sports Best festival ...

3 Feb 2014

Creating our own restaurant

Internation Restaurant I have got a small pre-teens group this year and I'm finding very difficult to engage them in class. They want to play games all the time and don't like writing, so when I saw them working and enjoying this project, I couldn't believe my eyes! Step 1 – Restaurant selection What KIND OF RESTAURANT is it going to be? A Chinese restaurant? A Mexican restaurant?...

26 Jan 2014

EFL Chefs - A new TV cookery show

Picture taken by Inma Alcázar After such a long time without posting anything in the blog... I'm back! Did you miss me? I hope so. After very busy months full of exciting things to do, this blog post had been left behind in a folder somewhere.  This was a lesson I and my students enjoyed a lot since it was about food, restaurants and cooking. Thinking on new ways...

9 Sept 2013

New School Year - Getting to Know You Activities for the First Day

September has arrived again! The summer is almost over in this part of the world and many teachers start their classes with new students. It is time to build new relationships, a relationship of confidence between our students and us, but between students and their peers as well. No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship. James Comer. After...

3 Sept 2013

Useful websites for students - A2+ level

In August, I was very lucky to teach an intensive English course for adults at the Centre d'Idiomes de la Universitat de València. Apart from the traditional resources usually used in class, I encouraged my students to take advantage of the Internet and practise English outside of the classroom using free online resources. I think that an important part of the learning process is to give students the tools that they need to continue learning independently. This is the list that I shared with them: "If you could add any useful online...

19 Jun 2013

Useful Websites for PET Exam Preparation

These are all the websites I have found to help my students preparing for the Preliminary English test. Some of them do not include PET tasks, but I have decided to include them because I think they can be useful to improve the different language skills. All the links worked the last time I checked them, but please let me know if any of them are broken. Equally, if you...

14 Jun 2013

Adapting a coursebook.

In most subjects and in any grade level, teachers and, therefore, students are expected to use a textbook as a resource in their classes. However, we have to bear in mind that although those textbooks are produced by experts, experienced teachers and teacher trainers, they are created to be used by teachers who work in different teaching contexts, in different countries and with students who are in the same class, but whose level is not exactly the same. Therefore we need some things that the book doesn't provide: CREATIVITY to adapt the textbook...

17 May 2013

The Sunshine Award

This morning I could hardly wake up, I felt exhausted, it was cloudy in the city of light and just when I switched on my computer to follow the latest news, I read that our "dear" Spanish Education Minister has finally decided to impose an education reform, LOMCE, which has been widely rejected. So, the Sunshine Award came at the perfect time from a talented teacher and blogger...

2 Oct 2012

Learning to Teach at the British Council

Last Saturday I had the privilege to attend the 5th Annual Teacher's Conference organised by the British Council, here in Valencia. There were  many young and enthusiastic teachers, but also very experienced ones to learn from. Being interested in knowing new ways to motivate students, it was a pleasure to listen to Deborah Bullock talking about Projects to Motivate...

25 Apr 2012

Digital Games: Learning English by Playing

“Games are a more natural way to learn than traditional classrooms. Not only have humans been learning by playing games since the beginning of our species, but intelligent animals as well” (Clark Aldrich, Learning Online with Games, Simulations and Virtual Worlds, 2009). Playing is an important part of human development and life. We learn by doing, socializing...

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